Become a web development master
JavaScript + React:
from zero to PRO
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1000+ Full course
98% Without water
80% Practice in the project
9/10 Certificate
JavaScript and React are
used to create interactive
and dynamic web applications.
JavaScript and React developers create:
  • Web applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Online stores
  • Financial platforms for online banking, investment management, and other financial instruments
  • Educational platforms: interactive learning applications and learning management systems (LMS)
  • Medical technologies: platforms for telemedicine, patient data management, and other medical solutions.
Who is this course for?
The course will give you a solid foundation in programming and help you take your first steps in development.
Those who want to
create web applications
Participants will master the techniques and tools for developing modern web applications.
Future React
The course will offer practical tasks that will allow you to apply React in real-life scenarios and projects.
Course program
Module 1 Introduction and setup
How to take the course? Why this course?
Notations and materials Workspace setup
About code editors and tutorials
Module 2. JavaScript Basics
What is JS and how to connect it to a page? How to do exercises and additional lessons Variables and Strict Mode Rules and Types of Variable Names Task to Create Correct Variables Classification of data types in JavaScript The difference between objects and arrays and non-obvious syntactic features Assignment for creating correct data types Simple communication with the user Interpolation (ES6) Operators in JS Git version control system. GitHub GitHub. Gitignore and Git Kraken Network protocols. Connecting a computer to a Github account via SSH Practice, part 1. Appendix Conditions Logical operators Cycles Cycle within a cycle and labels Problems on using loops and conditions Advanced problems on using loops and conditions
Problem on forming a figure Practice, part 2. Using conditions and cycles Functions, arrow functions (ES6) Once again about function arguments About the importance of return Assignment on working with functions Methods and properties of strings and numbers Practice, part 3. Using functions Advanced tasks on using functions Advanced tasks on using functions Interview task on Fibonacci numbers Trim() Method Callback functions Objects, object destructuring (ES6) Arrays and pseudo-arrays Algorithms in general and in JavaScript Pass by reference or by value, Spread operator (ES6-ES9) Object Tasks Array Tasks Array Tasks, Part 2 OOP Basics, Prototype-Based Inheritance Practice, Part 4. Using Objects
Advanced Task on Working with Objects and Arrays 1 Advanced Task on Working with Objects and Arrays 2 Catching errors in your code using the developer console. Breakpoints Dynamic typing in JS Closure and lexical environment Intermediate test Interview tasks to understand the basics Tasks to find errors in code Getting elements from a page Actions with elements on a page Practice. Task to practice actions with a page Events and their handlers Navigation by DOM elements, data attributes, the advantage of for/of Recursion Task on recursion Practice. Using events on a project page Events on mobile devices Async, defer, dynamic scripts Intermediate test Resources
Module 3 Additional JavaScript Basics
ES11 Null Coalescing Operator ES11 Optional Chaining Operator Live Collections and Useful Methods Symbol Data Type
Property Descriptors and Useful Object Methods Iterables Map Set
BigInt Page Count Challenge String Handling Challenge Recursion Challenge
Module 4 JavaScript in action
What will this module be about ClassList and event delegation Creating tabs in a new project Scripts and their execution time. setTimeout and setInterval Garbage collector and memory leaks WeakMap and WeakSet Working with dates
Creating a countdown timer on a website Processing a past date Document and window parameters and working with them Creating a modal window Modifications to a modal window MutationObserver, ResizeObserver and contenteditable
Constructor functions Call context. This Classes (ES6) Where to track information about new standards Using classes in real work Rest operator and default parameters (ES6) Intermediate test
Module 5 Advanced JavaScript
Local servers JSON data transfer format, deep cloning of objects AJAX and communication with the server Implementation of the script for sending data to the server Beautiful user notification Promise (ES6) Fetch API Array iteration methods Tasks for working with array methods Tasks for working with array methods Details about npm and the project. JSON-server Getting data from the server. Async/Await (ES8) Additional: What are libraries. Axios library Creating a slider on the site, option 1 Creating a slider on the site, option 2
Creating navigation for slides How to save data without a DB. Working with localStorage Regular expressions Creating a calculator on the site, part 1 Creating a calculator on the site, part 2 Intermediate Test Getters and setters (object properties) Encapsulation Accepting a module, how and why to use it Webpack. Building our project ES6 Modules Building our project and fixing bugs Forming a portfolio on GitHub Errors. How to avoid “breaking” your code Creating your own errors
How to convert ES6+ code to the old ES5 format. Babel, Core.js and polyfills Modern libraries and frameworks Jquery library Generator functions JS animations, requestAnimationFrame Web Animations API A complex task on the concept of function composition Event loop, detailed work of asynchronous and synchronous operations Macro and microtasks Working with ready-made code Final Test What projects can you come up with and implement yourself
Module 6 React Library. Base Level
Introduction What is React and what is it used for? Fundamental principles of React Create React App - create your own application Working with JSX preprocessor, limitations in it Elements and components Strict mode Strict Mode and React 18+ Creating a new project Component properties Properties practice on the project
Working with lists and the reconciliation algorithm Component states Independent task on working with states Events in React and remembering this States practice on the project Working with forms, managed and unmanaged components State immutability and custom events Practice. Lifting the state React fragments
Practice. Implementing Search and Filters Semantics and Content Accessibility Styles in React. Inline Styles Styles in React. CSS and SASS/SCSS Styles in React. Dynamic Classes and Styles Styles in React. Styled Components Styles in React. Ready-Made Component Libraries with Styles Class Fields and Static Module Conclusion Test
Module 7 React Library. Intermediate Fundamental Level
What is an API and how real applications work New project and working with the server Data transformation and a component with a random character Good application tone (spinner, errors...) Component life cycle
Practice with the life cycle, componentDidUpdate Error Boundaries Data pagination (additional loading of characters) Checking types with PropTypes Inserting elements via props.children Specialization and inheritance
Render-props pattern What is ref and why is it needed Portals “Bundling” and uploading the project to the server Test
Module 8 React Library. Hooks and Intermediate Advanced
What is an API and how real applications work New project and working with the server Data transformation and a component with a random character Good application tone (spinner, errors...) Component life cycle
Practice with the life cycle, componentDidUpdate Error Boundaries Data pagination (additional loading of characters) Checking types with PropTypes Inserting elements via props.children
Specialization and inheritance Render-props pattern What is ref and why is it needed Portals “Bundling” and uploading the project to the server Test
Module 9 React Library. Hooks and Intermediate Advanced
Introduction to hooks UseState UseEffect UseCallback UseMemo UseRef Practice. Let's rewrite the entire project to hooks Creating your own hooks Practice of your own hooks on the project What is batching and how does it work in React 18+ useTransition, useDeferredValue and other innovations of React 18+
Navigation in the application, React Router v5+ React Router v6+ Practice of creating dynamic paths Dynamic imports and React.lazy React.memo, Pure Component and optimization of application speed React Context and useContext UseReducer Higher-order components (HOC) Libraries and the React ecosystem React Transition Group
Formik, Yup and working with forms of any complexity, part 1 Formik, Yup and working with forms of any complexity, part 2 Analysis of homework SEO optimization of web applications, React-helmet The principle of a finite-state machine (FSM) and +1 approach to states We analyze errors of third-party libraries and the problem with focus Final Test
Module 10 Epilogue
Module 11 Bonus: Real JS project in classic style
Introduction to the practical course Configuring the project assembly and understanding the technical requirements Working with modal windows Working with tabs on the page
Working with data submission forms Working with a calculator form, part 1 Working with a calculator form, part 2
Working with a timer Implementing a module with displaying images Improving our project (animations, correct overflow behavior)
Teachers and authors of the course
Savely Kabysh
frontend developer, works at HintED,
Aglaya Bondarenko
Fullstack - developer, works at Kangaroo,
Mikhail Grinin
frontend developer, consulting, works at an international startup
Nikolay Pryakhin
Lead developer, works at Alfa Bank.
As a result, you will Мaster
Learn popular technologies such as AJAX, JSON, etc. You will confidently work with Git and GitHub
Learn to work with npm, Babel, Browserify, Webpack, Heroku, Firebase. You will be able to select a framework or library for tasks.
Get acquainted with Angular, Vue, Jquery. Learn the React library and absolutely everything related to it (including Redux)
Learn to create full-fledged web applications
After successfully defending your final project, you will receive a certificate of advanced training, which will confirm your competencies to your employer.
Transform Your Artistic Journey with Pricing That Puts You First
You will get acquainted with the JavaScript programming language, learn where, when and how it is used.
  • 1 module + 4 lectures
  • 1 exercise
  • Feedback
  • Open access
  • No certificate
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Learning JavaScript with an emphasis on its practical, operational application.
  • 1 application
  • 4 module
  • 19 exercise
  • 3 tests
  • Feedback
  • Access 6 months
  • No certificate
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You'll learn advanced JavaScript techniques and together we'll work step-by-step through your first real projects.
  • 2 applications
  • 5 module
  • 22 exercise
  • 5 tests
  • Bonus
  • Feedback
  • Access 9 months
  • Сertificate “JS developer”
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You'll master the most in-demand JavaScript library, React.js, and build two impressive applications.
  • 4 applications
  • 5 module JS
  • 5 module React
  • 22 exercise
  • 8 tests
  • Вonus
  • Feedback
  • Access 12 months
  • Сertificate “JS + React Developer”
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During the training, the company's employees will improve their development skills, create real projects, and become confident specialists.
  • 4 applications
  • All course materials
  • Groups of 5 people
  • Group chat
  • Chat with curators
  • Feedback
  • Access: 12 months
  • Certificate “JS + React Developer””
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Return guarantee
We remain flexible to suit your needs. That's why we guarantee a full refund if you change your mind within three days.
Our Graduates Reveal How We Transformed Their Careers
Maria L.
I always dreamed of a career in IT, but I didn't know where to start. After the course, I finally felt that I had the necessary knowledge. I successfully passed the interview and got my first job as a developer! It's just incredible - now I'm doing what I've always dreamed of and I'm confident in my future.
Alex R.
I was already working in IT, but I felt that I lacked deep knowledge of JS. This course helped me not only refresh my knowledge, but also master modern approaches to development. As a result, I got a promotion and now manage projects, which I never dreamed of achieving.
Denis K.
After the course I felt confident. I got a job a month after completing the training. It was not an easy path, but thanks to practical assignments and a solid foundation I was able to go through 7 rounds of interviews. A big plus was my portfolio of work done during the training.
Rustam H.
When I started the course, I only had a desire and no experience in programming. But with very hard work (it was really difficult) and the support of the curators, I was able not only to master the profession, but also to get a job two months after completing the course. I am very grateful for this chance to change my life!
Marat K.
I came to the course to update my skills and learn about new tools. I didn't learn anything super new, but I really improved my skills in working with libraries. React is the best! I took part in the hackathon, took 2nd place, which I'm super proud of!
What level of preparation is required
to participate in the course?
It is recommended to have basic knowledge of JavaScript and basic experience with web technologies. However, if you are a beginner, you can also study the course, as we have introductory classes.
I don't have any real work experience,
will I be able to get a job after the course?
During the training process, you get all the necessary skills to work in the company. Also, during the training process, you already have a portfolio with real applications, which allows the employer to evaluate your skills and make a hiring decision.
Is it possible to combine study with work?
The platform is accessible 24/7, so you can take classes at your
own time and learn at your own pace. We recommend setting aside 9-15 hours a week for study. This is an approximate time; if you already have experience in development, then the training will take significantly less time compared to those who are just starting out.
What are my chances of getting
a job after completing the course
We conducted an analysis and found that 74% of students who completed our course with the goal of changing their profession successfully find a job. Moreover, 65% of them receive job offers in the first five interviews. In addition, 27% find a job without actively searching - employers themselves contact them.
Take a step into your future!
Choose the right tariff and start your journey into the world of IT right now.
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