What is JS and how to connect it to a page?
How to do exercises and additional lessons
Variables and Strict Mode
Rules and Types of Variable Names
Task to Create Correct Variables
Classification of data types in JavaScript
The difference between objects and arrays and non-obvious syntactic features
Assignment for creating correct data types
Simple communication with the user
Interpolation (ES6)
Operators in JS
Git version control system. GitHub
GitHub. Gitignore and Git Kraken
Network protocols. Connecting a computer to a Github account via SSH
Practice, part 1. Appendix
Logical operators
Cycle within a cycle and labels
Problems on using loops and conditions
Advanced problems on using loops and conditions
Problem on forming a figure
Practice, part 2. Using conditions and cycles
Functions, arrow functions (ES6)
Once again about function arguments
About the importance of return
Assignment on working with functions
Methods and properties of strings and numbers
Practice, part 3. Using functions
Advanced tasks on using functions
Advanced tasks on using functions
Interview task on Fibonacci numbers
Trim() Method
Callback functions
Objects, object destructuring (ES6)
Arrays and pseudo-arrays
Algorithms in general and in JavaScript
Pass by reference or by value, Spread operator (ES6-ES9)
Object Tasks
Array Tasks
Array Tasks, Part 2
OOP Basics, Prototype-Based Inheritance
Practice, Part 4. Using Objects
Advanced Task on Working with Objects and Arrays 1
Advanced Task on Working with Objects and Arrays 2
Catching errors in your code using the developer console. Breakpoints
Dynamic typing in JS
Closure and lexical environment
Intermediate test
Interview tasks to understand the basics
Tasks to find errors in code
Getting elements from a page
Actions with elements on a page
Practice. Task to practice actions with a page
Events and their handlers
Navigation by DOM elements, data attributes, the advantage of for/of
Task on recursion
Practice. Using events on a project page
Events on mobile devices
Async, defer, dynamic scripts
Intermediate test